Tours Langues is an authorized centre for the TEF and for the TCF.


TCF-Test de connaissance du français

(French knowledge test.)


What’s the TCF? The TCF (Test de connaissance du français, French knowledge test) is a level certificate delivered by the ministry of Education. Just like the TEF, it gives you the opportunity to test your skills in comprehension and expression.


Le TCF pour l’accès à la nationalité française

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The TCF is composed of three compulsory inseparable parts of examination (Oral comprehension, written comprehension and mastery of the structure of the language) and of two optional independent parts (Oral expression and written expression) You will be given a certificate with your results within two or three weeks after the session. If you want to take the TCF, contact us five weeks before the examination ! Do not hesitate to contact us for further information!

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